- Welcome to the -
The festival Shavuot does not coincide with Parklife 2025.
Places of Worship
All residents wishing to access places of worship during the event, please check the website or your place of worship for up-to-date information on road closures and diversions, and please be aware that there will be an increased police and security presence in the evenings.
When Is The Set Up Likely to Start?
The festival build is estimated to start around the 27th May 2025. The event area, which takes place on the Papal Field, will be fenced off during this period, however, the rest of the park will remain open to the public. The site should be clear by 25th June.
Will The Rest Of The Park Stay Open?
Yes, areas other than the event site will remain open to the public. Please note that over the festival weekend the park is likely to be busier than usual.
Will There Be Access Restrictions To The Park?
Due to health and safety reasons, the event site will not be accessible to the members of the public between 27th May and 25th June 2024. Only event personnel will be granted entry during this period. Security teams will be in place 24/7 over the duration of the build and takedown periods to ensure the safety of others is not at risk.
What Actions Will You Take To Reinstate The Park?
We work very closely with Manchester City Council and the Heaton Park team to ensure that the park grounds are returned to a suitable standard as quickly as possible, dependent on the current weather conditions.
How Can I Find Out More Information Regarding Road Closures?
More information about road closures and other traffic management plans will be available on this site closer to the event.
Will The Buses Be Running As Normal?
There are some changes to the following services due to the closure of Middleton Road 20:00 – 01:00: 41, 59, 149, 156. And also, some changes to the following services due to the closure of Whittaker Lane 09:00 – 18:00: 66, 90. Finally, there are some changes to the following services due to the closure of Bury Old Road 21:30 - 23:30: 94, 135.
Will The Metrolink Service Be Affected?
The Metrolink service is likely to be busier than usual travelling to the park between 11:00 and 17:00 and travelling to Manchester between 21:00 and 00:00, during these times there are double trams every 6 minutes (a peak time service). Heaton Park tram stop is closed on Saturday and Sunday from 18:00 onwards.
There will be a 6-minute service between Manchester Victoria and Bury during the Parklife weekend.
I Need To Report An Issue. How Do I Contact The Community Impact Taskforce?
You can contact the Community Impact Taskforce (CIT) before, during and after the event. By reporting issues, we can identify areas for improvement and take steps to resolve these in future years.
Please complete this form to contact the team online. If you would like a response, please include an email address. Messages are monitored weekly until closer to the event.
0161 883 1962
The CIT hotline will be live from Monday 2nd June when residents can leave a message and request a call back.
The hotline will be manned in person:
Friday 13th June, 11:00 - 00:00
Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th June, 09:00 - 00:00
The Maccabi Centre, Bury Old Road
Friday 13th, Saturday 14th June & Sunday 15th June, 11:00 – 21:00.
What Actions Will You Take To Keep The Exterior Of The Park Clean?
We hire an external waste and cleansing contractor to exclusively service the exterior of the park and its surrounding areas.
Large waste bins will be placed at key points where it is likely that people will need to dispose of litter and monitor these throughout the festival to identify under/over usage.
Once Parklife is over, the waste and cleansing team will sign off each street, within the impact area, with the relevant local authority to ensure no areas are missed.
I’m Concerned About Anti-Social Behaviour. What Are You Doing To Prevent This?
Greater Manchester Police are involved in the planning process for Parklife and will have an event-specific deployment over the weekend. They will be working with our dedicated security, part of the CIT, to help manage the local environment as attendees arrive and leave. All CIT Officers are easily identifiable via their hi-vis tabards. Please feel free to approach them with any concerns.
There Is Someone Selling Things Outside My House. How Do I Report It?
Please get in touch with the Community Impact Taskforce by contacting us HERE. However, if the property is in Bury and the trader has a permit, please be aware this allows them to trade anywhere in the borough at any time in line with their licence conditions (to allow for restriction on highways, prohibited areas, trading near another etc).
I Want To Plan My Journey When The Festival Is On. Is There A Less Busy Time During The Event?
Everyone who is attending Parklife has to be inside the park by 17:00, and people don’t tend to leave until after 21:00 so between 17:00 and 21:00 the area around the park is less busy NB road closures start to become operational from 20:00. If the weather is nice the audience tends to arrive earlier and if it’s not nice, they tend to arrive later.
Do Local Residents Get A Free Or Reduced Ticket Price?
Unfortunately, there are no ticket discounts available for local residents.
How Do I Find Out More About Events At Heaton Park?
Please click HERE to see what events are coming up and HERE to learn more about the Heaton Park Event Community Consultation Group.
You can also link in with the Heaton Park Events Community Consultation Group – this is a condition of the Park’s licence and has an overview of all the events that take place throughout the year. Please contact them by completing this FORM.
Is Parklife Happening Every Year?
The plan is for Parklife to be an annual event at Heaton Park, taking place the second weekend of June to coincide with the end of the University term.
I Am Unhappy With How The Community Impact Taskforce Has Dealt With The Issues I Have Raised. Is There Anything Else I Can Do?
The Community Impact Taskforce works closely with the three local authorities (Manchester, Bury and Rochdale) and Greater Manchester Police. However, you can also raise your concerns with your local Councillor if you feel there are issues which the Taskforce is unable to address.
How Does Heaton Park, Local Businesses And The Residents Benefit From Parklife Taking Place?
Parklife contributes about 33% of the Park’s annual income – this money goes directly to the Park. We work in partnership with a number of businesses to ensure that they are not financially disadvantaged by the event.
Local residents who are involved in community organisations can apply for a grant from the Parklife Community Fund. For more information on the Community Fund please click HERE.